World Peace Monument
WWII Monument With A Message For Peace
Up-grade construction of a WW II Monument was completed November 2024. It is located at the intersection of State routes 690 and 502 Spring Brook Township Pa. 18444. The original monument was made in the 1940’s. It is a single marble stone that lists 79 people from Spring Brook Township Pennsylvania that served in World War II. This stone has been placed on an impressive red, white and blue pedestal. A bronze plaque with a prayer for World Peace is placed in the shadow of the marble stone on a 400 pound bluestone, which also shadows the marble stone. Reading and reflecting upon the prayer is a way for you to take a step toward world peace. A 15 foot Heroes History wall has been added adjacent to the monument pedestal. Anyone wishing to document a Hero's story will have an opportunity to place a bronze plaque on this wall.
A realizable prayer for peace on earth:
The Shadow of War & Individual Destruction will remain omni-present until the individuals of the world practice living by the Golden Rule. Do your part and don’t worry if others do theirs. We could only be one of three things in this life. We could be a plus, we could be a zero, we could be a minus when our Book of Life is closed. We individuals have many opportunities to travel upon roads which are abandoned that should not be abandoned. My prayer is that you will be a plus.
Anyone wishing to place a plaque on the Heroes History Wall for one of the 79 people listed can send a message (using the option “contact us” at the bottom of this page) stating what they would like on the plaque. This will be considered a letter of intent. This should be done even if you cannot afford to pay for the plaque or if you do not have the exact wording when submitting your intent.

Two plaques have been submitted, by letter of intent, and are currently under review for placement on the wall.
(Plaque) William T. Lidy lived 5/24/1909 - 11/27/1991
December 7 1941, the shadow of war was no longer a shadow. It was reality. The lives of millions of people were turned upside down including 79 people & their families from Spring Brook Township. William T. Lidy enrolled in the Navy at age 34. He had a wife Phoebe and two daughters, Jenny and Janet. He served in the Pacific theater on a newly commissioned ship that received three battle stars for war activity. My uncle Billy told me two war stories from his time in the South Pacific. His ship was involved in much activity there, most notable being part of invasion of Okinawa.
The day before troops were to land, the commanding officer brought the troops on deck. They were told to look at the person on their right and the person on their left and that they most likely saw someone that would not survive tomorrow. He also said that when the Kamikaze were coming, the only thing to be done was keep shooting and hope we hit them or they missed us.
(Plaque )Special Recognition:
“In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”. Opportunities to travel useful civic roads are created when we are in harmony with the above Golden Rule. The blue stone for this Shadow Of War Monument, which offers a reminder of an age old simple solution to end conflicts, was donated by Harold Litts & his two sons Erick and Brian.
1. Stanley Dolesky
2. Frank Dolesky
3. Edward W. Reigal
4. John Moleski
5. Robert Capple
6. William Capple
7. Joseph V. Bonn
8. Felix Leshinski
9. Peter Scott
10. Joseph H. Natko
11. David B. Scull
12. Morgan F Bowen
13. John B. Scull
14. Edward Gudz
15. Carl Hagen
16. Frank Crystal
17. John Hrywnak
18. Edward Benjamin
19. Michael Fick
20. Lester Haines
21. Albert Zurcher
22. Reniald Farischon
23. Lester Farischon
24. Harold Hrywnak
25. Anthony Papernick
26. Arthur Scull
27. Ira Millard
28. Paul Tripus Jr.
29. Alex Moleski
30. Paul Gregorski
31. Teddy Edwin Thomas
32. John B. Rodney
33. Robert Haines Jr.
34. Walter Hnatko
35. Edward Snyder
36. Michael Lipinski
37. John Kenoskey
38. Paul Hrywnak
39. Kenneth Johnson
40. Stanley Gudz
41. Edward Visneski
42. Richard K. Thomas
43. Quentien Swartz
44. Harold Johnson
45. Curt Kriegal
46. Robert Benjamin
47. Frank Stag
48. Mary William A.N.C.
49. Nicholas Fick
50. Robert Jones
51. Carl Morgan
52. Evan Jones
53. Edward Misalinski
54. Harry Lidner
55. Everett Tooley
56. James Milia
57. Dorris Elias A.N.C.
58. Louis Crystal
59. Clare Dutter
60. William T. Lidy
61. John Kripinski
62. Adolf Vogelbacker
63. Robert Burnside
64. Edward Vanlouvender
65. Floyde Raub
66. Arthur Presotine
67. Harry White
68. William Lane Jr.
69. Alfred Scott
70. Helen Cramer Tooley. Wave
71. Charles N. Mead
72. Robert J Johnson
73. Angelo A. Sciabarasi
74. Edward Kenosky
75. Elmer Vanbrunt
76. Frank Ankerway
77. Edward Tripus
78. Reese W. Price
79. Stanley Kenosky
80. James B. Dikeman (Original Monument in memory of )
81. Mildred Dikeman ( Commissioned 1940’s monument )