
Local Radio Scholarship & school program Cash if a member mentions TR American Patriot on a local radio show.

This contest will not be offered very long because there is no way that we could keep up with the work of doing it on a national level.  If we can set it up where volunteers can do some of the statistics that will be required  it will last a little longer.  But we also know that it is not about the money.. it is about getting people to hear the important civic messages that have been in mute mode for too long.  We will do our best to make it interesting and a Square Deal for those that enter the Local Radio Show Cash Scholarship award.  When the number of local shows become too numerous we will most likely to a lottery so that we can have larger awards then if we try to do individual awards like we do for the national program.

If a member is sincere in their belief of  TR’s  principles being correct for better government they would have a good chance to have a local talk show host consent to the mention of TR American Patriot web site on their show.  If a member could manage to talk about our web site on a radio show we would gain members from that area.  Submit some sort of proof of what you have done.  A sound recording with the date and time would be perfect but if you can prove to our trustees what you have accomplished in some other form that would be ok.  We will also need the geographical area of the broadcast so we can match geographical statistics of members that joined from your area after the broadcast.

Theodore Roosevelt accomplished as much as he did because he inspired others to take action. This is action that he would earnestly support. He has not lost that ability so we know that there will be local radio cash awards. When we become overwhelmed with numerous awards in this area before we have sufficient trustees to handle the work load we may need to suspend the radio contest program for a while. I strongly suspect that closing the contest  will not end radio personalities talking about what we are doing on our web site, once TR American Patriot becomes a house hold word.  Use the ‘contact us’ navigation tab and place National Radio Cash in the subject box to make request  for the Radio College Scholarships & School PTA or PTO Cash awards (members only).

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