We would like to have you advertise.

There is a nominal set up fee for your ad placement.  You may produce your own ad to save production cost.  We offer anything from a business card display to a video commercial with other options between this range.  It is preferred that if you have the ability that you produce your own ad and have our department review it to insure nothing offensive to TR’s principles are included.
When you produce the ad in the formats we offer we will only charge you what it cost us review and for setting it up on the web.  The price could range from $5 to $50 depending how easy you make it for us to put ad up on the site.  The first year of advertising will be free.  During that time you can evaluate the value of the ad.  We can evaluate your traffic and come up with an excellent price to keep it up after a year. You will be hard pressed to find a more reasonable offer than this.
All ads will be displayed in alphabetical order, using business names like a phone book.  These names will hper-link to a logo or Business Card or small jpeg photo. These options will hyper-link to the display ad (if the client wishes) and special offers.
We can set up a coupon offer using email service if you wish to track how effective your advertisement is on our site.  Here is how it works. When our members click on  special deals that you may offer on our web site, they will receive an email with a randomly generated number along with the coupon offer from you.  You will set the time frame that this offer needs to be used from the date the random number was issued.  We will forward the number (or numbers if there are several customers) to you by single email the next day.  If anyone visits your business and uses the number, send us a small token of your appreciation if you would like for helping you prosper.  You will never get a better advertising deal than that.

Contact our advertising department.
