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Jefferson in 1796 was brought forward by his friends as a candidate for President, but Mr. Adams, receiving the highest number of votes, was elected President, and Jefferson became Vice-President for four years from March 4, 1797. In 1800 was again voted for by his party for President. He and Mr. Burr received an equal number of electoral votes, and under the Constitution the House of Representatives was called upon to elect. Mr. Jefferson was chosen on the thirty-sixth ballot. Was reelected in 1804, and retired finally from public life March 4, 1809. He died on the 4th day of July, 1826, and was buried at Monticello, Va. John Adams died the same day.
CC Introduction
Chapter 18 1801
Chapter 19 1802
Chapter 20 1803
Chapter 21 1804
Chapter 22 1805
Chapter 23 1806
Chapter 24 1807
Chapter 25 1808
Chapter 26 1809

Book Description

Jefferson in 1796 was brought forward by his friends as a candidate for
President, but Mr. Adams, receiving the highest number of votes, was
elected President, and Jefferson became Vice-President for four years
from March 4, 1797. In 1800, he was again voted for by his party for
President. He and Mr. Burr received an equal number of electoral votes,
and under the Constitution the House of Representatives was called upon
to elect. Mr. Jefferson was chosen on the thirty-sixth ballot. He was
reelected in 1804, and retired finally from public life March 4, 1809.
He died on the 4th day of July, 1826, and was buried at Monticello, Va. John Adams died the same day.
Arron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804. Hamilton refused to shoot at Burr but Burr fired a mortal shot. Burr was later involved in high treason which is part of Jefferson’s Presidential Messages and Papers. Many Americans may find it interesting that Aaron Burr came so close to being the  third president of the United States over Thomas Jefferson.