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Author James D. Richardson
CC Introduction
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03

Book Description

In the original 18 volume hard copy book collection by Richardson, several presidents are found in each volume. This web site will be placing each president in an individual book.

There are also two Encyclopedic Index volumes that I am sorry to say my scanning equipment can not convert, due to a double column per page format. So I cannot make them available.

This the first of a series of on line books covers the following four sections from volume 1 “A Compilation of Messages and Papers of the Presidents by Richardson.
 Each additional presidential book will feature a continuation of chapter numbers with a new chapter for each Presidential administrative year. The first chapter for each president will contain information about the president and notes about contemporary people and events relating to the featured President.

CC Introduction
Prefatory Note (gives an overview of the 20 volumes up to the 26 president of the United States.)

Chapter 1
Declaration of Independence

Chapter 2
Articles of Confederation

Chapter 3
The Constitution

(What follows is some information about the index which should be found in some libraries. Perhaps I will find needed help to make it available some day.)

The Encyclopedic Index is not only an index to the other volumes, not only a key that unlocks the treasures of the entire publication, but it is in itself an alphabetically arranged brief history or story of the great controlling events constituting the History of the United States.

Under its proper alphabetical classification the story is told of every great subject referred to by any of the Presidents in their official Messages, and at the end of each article the official utterances of the Presidents themselves are cited upon the, subject, so that you may readily turn to the page in the body of the work itself for this original information.

Next to the possession of knowledge is the ability to turn at will to where knowledge is to be found.